SAIS Connect: Terms of Use

By participating in any of the online presences maintained by SAIS, whether by sending, receiving, or reading messages; posting, reading, or commenting on any links or resources; or being involved in any discussion in any manner, I agree as follows:

  1. I will not send, re-send, or disseminate any material that is defamatory or otherwise actionable.
  2. I acknowledge that it would be impractical and undesirable for SAIS Connect and other SAIS online presences to be moderated, censored or controlled by SAIS, its employees, officers or directors, or any other third party. I agree that I will therefore be solely responsible for the contents of any message I send or disseminate, and agree that I am not relying on SAIS or any other person to monitor, edit, or control the messages that I choose to send or receive.
  3. I will hold SAIS, and its directors, officers, members, employees, agents and service-providers (collectively, “SAIS”) harmless, and will fully indemnify SAIS in respect of any legal demands, proceedings, or claims, brought against SAIS by any party, including but not limited to indemnifying SAIS for all legal costs on a full indemnity basis incurred in responding to or dealing with any such claim or demand, (a) in respect of any message/link/resource/comment/content I send/post, re-send/re-post or disseminate, or (b) which arise from of a failure on my part to keep the contents confidential as set out above.
  4. I will not institute legal proceedings of any type against SAIS or its officers, directors, employees, agents and service providers, in respect of any message that is published on SAIS Connect or any other SAIS online presence.
  5. I will not institute legal proceedings of any type against any member of SAIS in respect of any message/link/resource/comment/content that is published on SAIS Connect or any SAIS online presence except, and only to the extent it is necessary, to enforce the indemnification provisions set out in paragraph 4 above.
  6. I understand that any postings/content deemed unfit by SAIS staff may be removed without prior notice by SAIS staff.
  7. I agree that all content submitted is the sole responsibility of the submitter from which it originated. This means that submitters, and not SAIS, are entirely responsible for all content posted. SAIS does not control the content submitted via this service and, as such, does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of the content. Under no circumstances will SAIS be liable in any way for any post, including, but not limited to, for any errors or omissions, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of this service.

In addition, the following terms of use that govern all SAIS websites also apply.